Thursday, December 17, 2009

Which Snowshoes?

Hi Neil,
I have been looking into which Snowshoes might be best for backcountry snowboarding. I think I have found two brands - TSL and MSR that look the best. 
I wanted your advice on which might suit for trips the best and some general advice on using and carrying snowshoes. 
 The MSR Denali Evo Ascent shoes look a bit more portable than the MSR Lightning Ascent version. This appeals to me, as when I saw the Lighting Ascent in TSA last week they looked quite big! Do you tend to carry these strapped to your backpack?
I was worried that falling on them might hurt a lot! Especially as they have the sharp metal edges etc. The TSL brand is better value for money and I think made in France (nice!) . They look like the main body is made from a tough plastic? Am I right? 
I have not managed to find any shops in South East of UK that have these for me to look at. I have been trying for a while!!!
I think from your website (great BTW!) that you hire these out on your courses, obviously you rate them. Would you always carry these on the outside of your pack?
Which model is the best? The 325? 
I assume all these options would fit normal snowboard soft boots fine? I like the look of the rachet bindings on the TSL models.
Again, It is proving tricky to try my actual boots in them, so I would really value your advice.
Off to Gulmarg for a week late January. Hoping not to have to use them too much, but I have been told to bring some in case we need to hike a bit.
Many Thanks,

 My Reply!

Hi Greame, 
I’d always recommend the MSR snowshoes, either the Denali (which is the one I use and have had the same pair for 10 years) or the evo. The MSR’s have good straps to fit any boot, are robust and have a good grip for traversing and climbing steep slopes.
More expensive but they’ll last!
I carry my snowshoes on the pack when riding using the vertical board carrying straps with poles stashed with them or on the side of my pack. I’ve never had any trouble carrying them here!
If I’ve got my board on my back too (every now and then its too steep of snowshoes) then I’ll either stick them on the sides using the compression straps on the pack or ratchet them to the heel strap of the bindings.
Hope this helps, have a great time in Gulmarg, I’m guiding a trip there in Jan! 

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